(Ugh. Forgive my brevity here; I'm a bit tired and hung over. But thanks again for the party, L.S-A.!)
First up: Who would've thought Rick Santorum would make an ass of himself?
Second: Folks who know me in person might recall how I've got the heart of a champion when it comes to mis-hearing lyrics of popular songs. And by "popular," I mean songs to which everyone has known the proper lyrics for many many years. (My classic example, from Simon & Garfunkel: "Cecelia, you're breakin' my heart / You're shakin' my cock with your steak leaf," which I am utterly powerless to explain.)
Well, someone recently crafted this video:
And I just handed my lyrics-mis-hearing crown to him.
...And now I'm off, to brew more tea, stare at the dishes in the sink, and resume shaking my fist about Friday night's Battlestar Galactica (which I missed) not being available through OnDemand yet. Damn you, Comcast!
(Hat tip to Gawker for the elf vid, and to my librarian for pointing it out.)
The End of This Road
5 years ago
you're welcome.